Showing 51 - 75 of 120 Results
Historic Towns of the Connecticut River Valley by Roberts, George S., Duke, J... ISBN: 9781613930304 List Price: $30.00
History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War : And Other Items of Interest by Johnson, Edward A., Duke, J... ISBN: 9781613930359 List Price: $18.00
Synopsis of the Early History of Onondaga County by Church of the Most Holy Ros... ISBN: 9781613930366 List Price: $15.00
History of New Amsterdam : Or, New York as It Was in the Days of the Dutch Governors by Davis, Ashabel, Duke, Jessi... ISBN: 9781613930335 List Price: $20.00
Causes of the American Civil War : A Letter to the London Times by Motley, John Lothrop, Duke,... ISBN: 9781613930342 List Price: $12.00
Colonial Records of Virginia : Containing the List of the Livinge and the Dead in Virginia 1623 by Duke, Jessica, Duke, Jessica ISBN: 9781613930397 List Price: $15.00
Partial Genealogy of the Descendants of Samuel Parsons of East Hampton, Long Island 1650 : C... by Howell, George R., Duke, Je... ISBN: 9781613930403 List Price: $12.00
Reminiscences and Incidents of the Early Days of San Francisco : Actual Experience from an E... by Brown, John H., Duke, Jessi... ISBN: 9781613930373 List Price: $16.00
Moravians in Georgia, 1735-1740 by Fries, Adelaide L., Duke, J... ISBN: 9781613930380 List Price: $25.00
Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers by Penn, William, Duke, Jessic... ISBN: 9781613930441 List Price: $13.00
History of Hardin County, Tennessee by Brazelton, B. G., Duke, Jes... ISBN: 9781613930410 List Price: $16.00
Selections from the South Georgia Historical and Genealogical Quarterly by Huxford, Folks, Duke, Jessi... ISBN: 9781613930427 List Price: $20.00
Quaker Colonies : A Chronicle of the Proprietors of the Delaware by Fisher, Sydney G., Duke, Je... ISBN: 9781613930151 List Price: $15.00
Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity : Their History, Customs and Traditions by Clark, Galen, Duke, Jessica ISBN: 9781613930168 List Price: $18.00
Life in the Confederate Army : Being Personal Experiences of a Private Soldier in the Confed... by Ford, Arthur P., Ford, Mari... ISBN: 9781613930137 List Price: $15.00
Battle of Point Pleasant : Including Biographical Sketches of the Men Who Participated by Simpson-Poffenbarger, Livia... ISBN: 9781613930144 List Price: $22.00
Company A, Corps of Engineers, 1846-8, in the Mexican War by Smith, Gustavus W., Duke, J... ISBN: 9781613930199 List Price: $15.00
Great Auction Sale of Slaves at Savannah, Georgia : March 2-3 1859 by Society, American Anti-Slav... ISBN: 9781613930205 List Price: $13.00
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass : An American Slave by Douglass, Frederick, Duke, ... ISBN: 9781613930175 List Price: $13.00
Early Trade Routes : Adventures and Recollections of a Pioneer Trader, with an Account of Hi... by Sloan, Benjamin, Duke, Jessica ISBN: 9781613930182 List Price: $10.50
Reminiscences of a Pioneer Missionary by Verwyst, Chrysostom Adrian,... ISBN: 9781613930236 List Price: $12.00
Travels in Virginia in Revolutionary Times by Morrison, Alfred James, Duk... ISBN: 9781613930243 List Price: $15.00
History 119th Infantry, 60th Brigade 30th Division : Operations in Belgium and France, 1917-... by Conway, Coleman Berkley, Du... ISBN: 9781613930212 List Price: $22.00
Patriots and Guerillas of East Tennessee and Kentucky : The Sufferings of the Patriots; Also... by Brents, J. a., Duke, Jessica ISBN: 9781613930229 List Price: $18.00
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